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class JsObject {    @JavascriptInterface     public String toString() { return "injectedObject"; } } webView.addJavascriptInterface(new JsObject(), "injectedObject"); webView.loadData("", "text/html", null); webView.loadUrl("javascript:alert(injectedO ...
Java 8版本最大的改进就是Lambda表达式,其目的是使Java更易于为多核处理器编写代码;其次,新加入的Nashorn引擎也使得Java程序可以和JavaScript代码互操作;再者,新的日期时间API、GC改进、并发改进也相当令人期待。 另外,原本要加入Java 8的Jigsaw项目(标准模块系统)由于开发时间关系,被推迟到了Java 9中,不过Java 8已经在朝着这个方向努力了。
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Android模拟器使用SD卡 本文来自CSDN博客,转载请标明出处:http://blog.csdn.net/unix_fans/archive/2009/08/20/4465038.aspx 1.创建镜像文件     用cmd中进入到android的SDK的Tools目录下,执行mksdcard创建。     例如我的tools目录为:E:\skyland\android-sdk-windows-1.0_r2\tools>     则:E:\skyland\android-sdk-windows-1.0_r2\tools>mksdcard 128M sdcard.img ...
The Display List Displaying a frame of a SWF file is a three-stage process: 显示列表 展示一个SWF文件的一帧分三阶段: 1. Objects are defined with definition tags such as DefineShape, DefineSprite, and so on. Each object is given a unique ID called a character, and is stored in a repository called the dictionary. 对象被定义 ...
File compression strategy Since SWF files are frequently delivered over a network connection, they should be as compact as possible. Several techniques are used to accomplish this, including the following items: 文件压缩策略 因为SWF文件经常是通过网络连接传递的,所以它们越 ...
The dictionary The dictionary is a repository of characters that are defined, and are available for control tags to use. The process of building and using the dictionary is as follows: 1. The definition tag defines some content, such as a shape, font, bitmap, or sound. 2. The definition tag assigns a ...
Definition and control tags The two categories of tags in a SWF file are as follows: Definition tags define the content of the SWF file—the shapes, text, bitmaps, sounds, and so on. Each definition tag assigns a unique ID called a character ID to the content it defines. Flash Player then stores the ...
SWF file structure Following the header is a series of tagged data blocks. All tags share a common format, so any program parsing a SWF file can skip over blocks it does not understand. Data inside the block can point to offsets within the block, but can never point to an offset in another block. Thi ...
SWF Structure Summary This chapter provides a summary of the elements that comprise a SWF file. swf文件结构摘要 这个章节提供的是组成SWF文件的元素摘要。 The SWF header All SWF files begin with the following header. The types are defined in Chapter 1, “Basic Data Types” on page 11, SWF文件头 所有SWF文件都是下面的头开始。这些类型的定义在第一章,“基本数据类型 ...
最近视频网站竞争比较激烈,相传youku/tudou都已经开始IPO,再加上早有ku6借壳上市,创业版更是出现了乐视这样的成功案例,可谓风生水起,所以特别制作一版开放换肤功能的视频播放器,特别加入了支持iphone/ipad/ipod等苹果设备的解决方案,这下可暂时解决apple与adobe之前的战争引起广大网友的不便。   小试牛刀,记录一下此视频播放器开放的功能: 1. 支持任意点播放视频,需要服务器端支持?start=xxx这种url格式,不然不能正常使用此功能 2.   支持视频结束相关视频显示,配置文件为:视频文件名_more.xml文件格式 3.   支持进度条区域信息地雷显示提 ...
最枯燥的部分终于要结束了,马上就要迎来很关键的部分,不过这之前都是后面要深入了解的基础。 RGB color record The RGB record represents a color as a 24-bit red, green, and blue value. RGB颜色记录 RGB颜色记录代表颜色用一个24 bit 的红、绿、蓝的值。 Red UI8 Red color value Green UI8 Green color value Blue UI8 Blue color value RGBA color with alpha record The RGBA record ...
STRING(翻译略) Field Type Comment String UI8[zero or more] Non-null string character data StringEnd UI8 Marks end of string; always zero 字符串类型就是指以空字符结尾的字符的序列。 In SWF 5 or earlier, STRING values are encoded using either ANSI (which is a superset of ASCII) or shift-JIS (a Japanese encoding). You cannot i ...
Bit values Bit values are variable-length bit fields that can represent three types of numbers: 1. Unsigned integers 2. Signed integers 3. Signed 16.16 fixed-point values. Bit values do not have to be byte aligned. Other types (such as UI8 and UI16) are always byte aligned. If a byte-aligned type fol ...
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